Chapter 6. Approaches to managing kelp forests
Highlights :
> Managing the harvesting of wild growing kelp is still the most developed form of kelp management.
> Humans’ intensifying use of the ocean is exposing kelp to many pressures in addition to harvesting. The cumulative impacts of these pressures need to be addressed in an integrated manner.
> Ecosystem-based management is a strategic approach to integrated ecosystem management that can act as an umbrella for other approaches, including marine spatial planning, MPAs and initiatives towards individual activities that affect kelp ecosystems.
> The management of kelp as ecosystems is usually not specific and tends to be included in more general approaches to ocean management.
Mots clés
Kelp forest
Ecosystem-based management EBM
Pressure / impact relationships
Marine protected areas MPAs
kelp harvesting
Marine spatial planning
Monitoring & Surveillance
Habitat mapping
Ecological state
Human activities exposure
European Directive
Management plans
Best practice recommendations
Risk assessment